What is the relationship between Virgin London Marathon (VLM) and VICTA?
On a paper, they both start with the letter 'V'. Apart from that, you may not able to see more. But if I tell you that, VICTA is a non-profitable charity for visually impaired children, then you may begin to see the link.
VICTA stands for Visually Impaired Children Taking Action (registered charity number 1065029). A local charity based in Milton Keynes, was founded in 1987. This local charity took actions into their own hands to help children with visually impaired children and their families to have sufficient support and provision in their normal daily life. The charity raise funds for practical technological help such as braillers, canes (with sonar), computer with specialist software (for speech, Braille and screen magnification). They also raise money for 'life changing' activity vacation weeks and computer camps for visually impaired children. I said that it is a local charity but their activities does not limit in their local area. They also raise money to support the National Library for the Blind.
Certainly, this charity has touched so many lives that we all can imagine, and made many dreams come true, not only the children and runners!
I'm privileged to be on Team VICTA for London Marathon in 2012. If you have followed my blog, you know how I was inspired in the Berlin marathon where the locals were cheering their loved ones during the race. At that time, I was truly thinking how good it will be if I can run in a city where I know very well and the people I know. London marathon is notoriously difficult to get a spot through ballot system. I have failed twice already. This year was my 3rd attempt. With my two failed applications in the past, it makes me to run this one of the world marathons even more, especially next year is the Olympic Year in London. However, it is what I got....
and a lovely red jumper with a big 'SORRY'!
'Oh no! didn't get a spot!' That's my first response when I saw the package in my mailbox (The face you can see on the magazine, it's the face that I had when I got the package). But this package didn't defeat me! 'I should try something else.' I told myself. Charity! As I always have one charity event in every year, what a great way to makes this marathon experience more special if I do it for a charity cause. So, I tried different charities and VICTA is the very first one replying me and giving me a spot to run this marathon! Oh! Wow! I'm electrified!
VICTA has done many amazing work to the visually impaired children and the families. They are what they are on the paper... taking action and being an advocate for them. I like a charity who mean to their work and cause (http://www.victa.org.uk) Therefore, I'm very delighted to be a part and run for this wonderful charity in 2012.
This is the beginning of the story for this special event! The story will be continued with your help. Your giving is a blessing to the children and their families, and an encouragement for me to run this great marathon on the 22/04/2012. Here is where you can help me to continue my history...
Two ways to make your donation easy:
1) Virgin Money Giving Website (http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/MaySzeRunning)
The easiest and most direct way! Just one click... the website will tell you how to do the next. It's safe and no hassles!
2) If you are reading this from Australia, and want to help me out. You can also make your donation in my Australian account! The details are as following...
Name of the Account: May Sze Chang
BSB no: 342012
Account no: 366688412
Your generous giving mean more than words. Everything that you give mean that your care about the children and their family. Everything that you put in mean that you are at my back when I am on training for the marathon and running it on the D Day!
I will keep you in post about my training... meanwhile.. please take this little extra step to help me making this history.
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